Στο L-Crew πρεσβεύουμε αξίες, οι οποίες είναι βασικοί άνονες της εξέλιξης και της ανάπτυξής όλων.

Καλλιεργούμε την αγάπη για τον αθλητισμό και τη σωματική άσκηση, τον ευγενή ανταγωνισμό στα πλαίσια της προσωπικής βελτίωσης, αποθαρρύνοντας κινήσεις ή πράξεις που καταπατούν τις αρχές μας.

Σεβασμός: στον ίδιο τον αθλητή από τους προπονητές και τους συναθλητές του, αλλά και από τον ίδιο τον αθλητή προς τον εαυτό του και το σώμα του.

Ομαδικότητα & αλληλεγγύη: από τους προπονητές προς τους αθλητές, από τους αθλητές προς τους αθλητές, μέσα από την παρακίνηση, τις κοινές δράσεις και την αλληλοϋποστήριξη.

Οι πυλώνες της προπόνησης στο L-Crew

-Επιστημονική Γνώση

The Friesian horse, often simply referred to as the Friesian, is a distinctive and elegant breed known for its striking appearance, gentle temperament, and historical significance.

  • Friesians are known for their gentle and friendly temperament. They are often described as people-oriented and willing to please.
  • They have a calm and steady disposition, which makes them suitable for various equestrian disciplines, including dressage and driving.
Project Img

-Εξατομικευμένο πρόγραμμα

The Andalusian, also known as the Pure Spanish Horse or Pura Raza Española (PRE), is a distinguished and ancient horse breed with a rich history and notable characteristics.

  • Andalusians are celebrated for their gentle and intelligent temperament. They are known for their willingness to work with humans and their strong desire to please.
  • They are often described as highly trainable and versatile, making them suitable for various equestrian disciplines.
Project Img

-360 προσέγγιση του αθλητή

The Arabian horse is one of the world's oldest and most distinguished horse breeds, known for its distinctive appearance, intelligence, stamina, and historical significance.

  • Arabian horses are renowned for their friendly, intelligent, and spirited nature. They often form strong bonds with their owners and are eager to please.
  • They have a high level of alertness and can be sensitive to their environment, which makes them quick learners.
Project Img

-Προσωπική Επικοινωνία με τους captains

The Arabian horse is one of the world's oldest and most distinguished horse breeds, known for its distinctive appearance, intelligence, stamina, and historical significance.

  • Arabian horses are renowned for their friendly, intelligent, and spirited nature. They often form strong bonds with their owners and are eager to please.
  • They have a high level of alertness and can be sensitive to their environment, which makes them quick learners.
Project Img

-Ομαδικές προπονήσεις

The Arabian horse is one of the world's oldest and most distinguished horse breeds, known for its distinctive appearance, intelligence, stamina, and historical significance.

  • Arabian horses are renowned for their friendly, intelligent, and spirited nature. They often form strong bonds with their owners and are eager to please.
  • They have a high level of alertness and can be sensitive to their environment, which makes them quick learners.
Project Img

Γνώρισε τους Captains

Woman with Horse

Γιώργος Λουφέκης

Προπονητής αθλημάτων αντοχής, Απόφοιτος Τμήματος Αθλητισμού Univ Strasburg, πρωταθλητής στίβου, ορεινού δρόμου, υπεραποστάσεων.

Σταύρος Ανδρέου

Προπονητής κολύμβησης, πρωταθλητής πόλο, Τριαθλητής

Στεφανία Αγριμάνη

Strength & Conditioning Coach, Τριαθλήτρια

Αναστασία Τσουρουκτζή

Αθλητική Διατροφολόγος- εξειδίκευση στις διατροφικές διαταραχές, Τριαθλητρια

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